
Financial Freedom Through Good Legal Counseling & Representation

At the very core of our Government and its legal framework are the free rights of speech, religion, press, and the pursuit of property and happiness! As citizens of our great Country, we are entitled to these basic and fundamental rights, but we are now subjecting these basic rights to oppressive and seemingly insurmountable economic circumstances of uncontrollable credit card debt and interest thereon, excessive home mortgage/financing debt, unfair interest rates on debt and too many and high living expenses and taxes. Help!

In sum, our freedoms have become subordinate to our uncontrollable debt and interest thereon. However, you can restore your financial freedom through good lawyering and with debt freeing legal processes through bankruptcy, loan modifications, short-sales; deeds-in-lieu of foreclosure; and, other such debtor-creditor transactions. We are often defeated by our creditors’ often unwillingness to remotely consider such transactions! While debtors, themselves, are ready, willing and able to meaningfully discuss and transact personal business to correct unfortunate financial hardships, the creditors are not always so willing and they can be inconsiderate, deceptive, harassing and negligent in handling our requests for financial reorganization, justice and fairness. It seems like the Creditors are being down right unreasonable and unfair!

If all of this sounds familiar, it’s because it’s what our Founding Fathers endured, preceding the American Revolution, when a tyrannical King imposed unfair and unjust restrictions on the “We the People’s” personal and financial freedoms. But before you start yelling: the British are coming! the British are coming! …. and start a revolution, please realize that you can fight back through appropriate legal channels. And, you will win back your financial freedoms!

Please carefully consider the following:

First, put all your options on the table for a legally refreshing reorganization through:

  • A Chapter 13 Bankruptcy;
  • Loan Modification;
  • Consider both a Chapter 13 bankruptcy and a loan modification;
  • Consider all other possible options, like debt settlements; loan refinancing, debt consolidation.
  • Consider a Chapter 7 bankruptcy and a loan modification;
  • Consider a Chapter 7 bankruptcy; and
  • Consider Chapter 11 bankruptcy.

The key to your success is careful consideration of all your options at the start. A good lawyer and professional must conscientiously consider all the possible options that will help the client from the get go.

Secondly, you must fully educate yourself and continuously educate yourself, and your family members and friends, on what is important to secure your financial freedom. Take your finances seriously since good finance means happiness and freedom from oppressive debts and interest thereon. Often, this can be accomplished on your own by diligent and studious perseverance. The good people of the United States of America are willing to help you, but you must advocate your position, and often the best way, to do so, is by education and steadfast commitment to your goal of financial freedom. Also, you may need the help of professionals, like good attorneys, good accountants, good bankers, and the like. Also, a good walk with the dog helps clear the head! Through dedication, commitment and perseverance you will overcome your financial burdens and regain your financial freedom, and ultimately be on your way to financial well-being and accumulation of wealth for you and your family!

If you are feeling subjected to your creditors, please know that there are plenty of ways to overcome your economic misery. Please contact Drew Law Firm for a free consult with respect to your debtor-creditor relations. Finally, a word from the Wise regarding financial freedom:

"In short, the way to wealth, if you desire it, is as plain as the way to market. It depends chiefly on two words: industry and frugality. Waste neither time nor money, but make the best use of both. He that gets all he can honestly, and saves all he can, will certainly become rich."

– Benjamin Franklin, The Way to Wealth: Ben Franklin on Money and Success

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