Estate Planning

Live A Happier Life With Less Worry!

If your family, friends and charities are important to you, then you should consider planning for the management of your estate now –during your lifetime, when you are of sound mind and memory and not subject to the potential unexpected occurrences and bad influences that can arise during one’s lifetime. Good Estate Planning attorneys always recommend that anyone that has acquired assets and wealth during his or her lifetime should seek good and sound legal advice as to establishment of an estate plan and what estate plan best suits you and your family.

Please carefully consider the following:

  • Power of Attorney for Healthcare;
  • Power of Attorney for Property;
  • Living Will;
  • Last Will and Testament;
  • Land Trust;
  • Authorization to obtain medical records;
  • Revocable Trust;
  • Irrevocable Trust;
  • Special Needs Trust; and more.

When it comes right down to it, it is about estate planning for these important reasons:

  1. Proper gifting to all your chosen loved ones and charities through the right type of estate planning for you whether Wills or Trusts;
  2. Proper administration of your gifting and management of your lifetime affairs;
  3. Naming the right and appropriate person or persons you trust to act as your estate representatives;
  4. To carry on the Family Legacy by planned giving and administration;
  5. For the smooth transition of the family business to the next generations;
  6. Avoid Probate using Trusts;
  7. Privacy of Estate Planning via Revocable and Irrevocable Trusts; and,
  8. To avoid the many pitfalls of poor planning, which include unnecessary expenses, negligent estate administration and poor tax planning.
  9. Medicaid Planning via power of attorneys and good estate planning.

In sum, you can put an exclamation on your life by properly considering your estate planning needs now before it is too late. Besides, once your estate planning is out of the way, you have less reason to worry and you will undoubtedly live a happier life.

Probate Law

Probate is the legal process required for the administration of a Will after the death of the person who executed the Will. Drew Law Firm has handled probate cases for over 25 years. Probate often goes very smoothly when the Estate Planning has been done carefully and correctly. However, when the Estate Planning has not been done professionally or carefully or when no Estate Planning has been done and there are family disputes amongst the Heirs at Law, then Probate can involve necessary litigation. Litigation is a special skill that requires knowledge of the applicable laws, good common sense, strategy, confidence and hard work.

Drew Law Firm has the skills to litigate your cases in Probate. When you need Probate representation, then you can count on Drew Law Firm.

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Call (815) 838-1440 or Email or Visit our New Location.

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